If we do a git status, then we're back to normal. Unlike many other source control management systems, Git has a special intermediate area called the staging area.

Now, if we want to get rid of it entirely, we can remove lib.js. It's removed from the staging area because it doesn't exist in this commit. Now, if we do a git status, we can see that it's untracked. Git, with its index allows you to commit only certain parts of the changes youve done since. If we say git reset HEAD, then give it a file, it will reset this file back to what it was in this commit, which means it won't exist. To stage a file is simply to prepare it finely for a commit. If we do a Git log one line, then we can see that head is a pointer to a branch and that branch is just a pointer to the commit specified by this hash. Let's figure out first what this head is. Additionally, it will also let you know which branch is currently active and if that branch has any unsynced commits compared to its remote counterpart. Here’s an exhaustive list of options you can pass to the git status command. It will display any modifications in your local files that you haven't committed to the repository, yet. Enter one of the following commands, depending on what you want to do: Stage all files: git add.

It lets you see which changes have been staged, which havent, and. We can do a Git reset HEAD and then the file name. The 'status' commmand helps you understand the current state of your local Working Copy. Stage & Commit Files: git add, git commit, & git log 1. The git status command displays the state of the working directory and the staging area. From here I only have one step left and thats :Git.
The good news is that Git tells us how to fix it right here. review my changes with maximum screen real-estate and stage/unstage withWe've added it to staging, but we don't actually want to commit this limb file at all. We have some changes to be committed, but then we maybe realize that we don't actually want to commit them. Let's add the limb JS file and we're about to commit. Changes not staged for commit - modified: Changes to be committed: Your branch is ahead of. Instructor: Now, let's add another JavaScript file called limb.js and inside of limb.js, we can say that, "This is my limb file." Then, we want to do a Git status to see that it's on tract. up-to-date AND working directory clean Untracked files.